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Look at this sentence!

Now put it together!!!

Faride loves David because he is a nice person and a gentleman.


By the end of this section you will:

understand the use of the conjunction “because” to express giving reasons.


We use BECAUSE to give reasons for something

For example:

- I go to the supermarket
- Why?
- BECAUSE I need groceries.

We use BECAUSE to connect ideas

For example:

I go to the supermarket BECAUSE I need groceries.

Tasha. (2012). Groceries.
Retrieved on March 2017 from https://goo.gl/eMDMGX


Activity 1

Places I like

Travelling is one of the most amazing experiences to live, especially, if you can explain to others why you do it.

In the next activity, you will read about one of my favourite places to go on holiday. You will also practice your reading comprehension using the information in this lesson.

Choose the best answer for the following questions.

To start, click on the picture of Merida.

Elemaki. (2008). Panorámica de la Plaza Mayor de Mérida.
Retrieved on March 2017 from https://goo.gl/nxvElO


Activity 2

Why Mexico?

Don’t you love Mexican culture?

Listen to a few people giving reasons to visit Mexico. Click on the image to go to the video.

While you listen, practice your comprehension and according to the topic reviewed in the content, relate the information you hear with the person who said it write the letter next to the person.


Activity 3

Why do you like your favorite holiday destination?

You have read and listened to people explaining why they like places, now it is your turn.

Through this activity, you will practice the uses of “because” to explain a reason.

Use the information in the content to make a list of 5 reasons to go to your favorite holiday destination.

Consider the points on the next rubric so you can identify where the evaluation will be directed.



Activity 4

Why do you study English?

We have expressed giving reasons for many aspects. So, on this activity, you will practice fluency, pronunciation and the use of “because”… to give your tutor five reasons you study English.

Remember to organise your ideas using the correct structure and DO NOT exceed the time limit, or you might lose points!


Why do you study English?

After reviewing all the information about “because” follow the rules in the contents and put your knowledge to practice.

Basic references

  • 5 minute English. (2013). Obtenido de http://www.5minuteenglish.com/may29.htm
  • Swan, M. (2005). Practical English Usage. En M. Swan, Practical English Usage. New York: Oxford University Press.