Reading Activity

My weekend at the beach

Hugo is spending time in the city.
Incorrect! He is on the beach now
Correct! He is on the beach now
Hugo is feeling tired
Correct! He is feeling tired
Incorrect! He is feeling tired
Kelly is swimming.
Incorrect! She is next to him
Correct! She is next to him
Hugo and Kelly are waiting for their friends to come.
Correct! They are standing together
Incorrect! They are standing together
Mark is listening to music.
Incorrect! He is cooking
Correct! He is cooking
They are sleeping little time.
Incorrect! They aren’t sleeping. They are resting
Correct! They aren’t sleeping. They are resting
Fluffy isn’t having a great time.
Incorrect! He is having a great time
Correct! He is having a great time
Not enough Try harder Very Good Excellent