Forming the Present Participle.
Let’s play one of the famous games in English called: Hangman. Write the -ing form of the verbs before you get hung. If you have questions in how the Present participle is formed, you can check the How to form the Present Participle section.
learn learning(Good)
say saying(Good)
play playing(Good)
get getting(Great! The last consonant must be repeated)
do doing(Good)
smoke smoking(Great! The silent “e” is dropped out)
smile smiling(Good)
be being(Good)
wear wearing(Good)
wash washing(Good)
try trying(Good)
laugh laughing(Good)
know knowing(Good)
erase erasing(Great! Another silent “e” is dropped out)
jump jumping(Good)
jog jogging(Excellent. The last consonant must be repeated)
have having(Great! Another silent “e” is dropped out)
bring bringing(Good)
choose choosing(Great! Another silent “e” is dropped out)
cut cutting(Excellent. The last consonant must be repeated)
hurt hurting(Good)
sing singing(Good)
leave leaving(Great! Another silent “e” is dropped out)
knit knitting(Excellent. The last consonant must be repeated)
send sending(Good)
ring ringing(Good)
swear swearing(Good)
understand understanding(Good)
teach teaching(Good)
win winning(Excellent. The last consonant must be repeated)