1. Suddenly a young boy passed by and saw her, gasping for air. He asked himself:
Should I help this woman?
Pyongbricole. (n.d.). Old ladies. [Image]. Retrieved from: https://es.pinterest.com/pin/396387204674205883/ Retrieved: 06/oct/2016
2. He said to himself:
“I know I can, I have the strength and youth. Yes, I can! But, should I really help her?
D. (2016). Frustración, pensamiento. [Image]. Retrieved from: https://pixabay.com/es/frustraci%C3%B3n-pensamiento-preocupado-1241534/
3. He thought again:
“ I could help her; I have the time… yes, I could…
Finally. A pretty, young girl passed by and saw the old lady too. Without hesitating, she approached the old lady who said:
“Would you help me, young lady? That lazy lad takes to long to think and do anything.”
Tux, S. (2016). Boy thinking of a question. [Image]. Retrieved from: https://openclipart.org/detail/238687/boy-thinking-of-question
4. And the girl replied:
Of course, I can. Let me help you, Mam’.
C. (2014). Modelo. [Image]. Retrieved from: https://pixabay.com/es/mujer-dama-chica-retrato-young-1703768/.
5. So, as you can figure out from the story, the boy thought many scenarios, let’s check them out in the following chart.
NA. (2016). Afgano. [Image]. Retrieved from: https://pixabay.com/es/hombre-pensativo-afgano-escuchando-1574124/.