
Travelling around

Complete the postcard using the present perfect continuous from the verbs in brackets.


    Hi Sam!
    How are you? We’re having a great time. Right now,
    I’m in a little restaurant near the beach.
    I 1) (sit) here since breakfast!
    Kary 2) (play) volleyball
    for hours, but I’m too lazy!
    This place is really amazing. I 3) (read) about its
    history and I must tell you it’s really interesting. The Casino, the shops
    and the Principality of Monaco are only some of the most visited
    places here.

    My mom 4) (take) photos all the time since we arrived!!
    What about you? What 5) (you/do) since the
    last time we talked to each other?
    I hope it 6) (not rain) back in England!
